Training Course For Youth Workers on Networking and Advocating

Training Course For Youth Workers on Networking and Advocating

Participate in a modular training for youth workers focusing on the competences of “Networking and Advocating” in international youth work settings. Get certification aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) model for youth workers.

Course dates: 23 February (arrival day) - 1 March (departure day) 2025
Place: Trakai district, Lithuania

The training course contributes to developing youth workers' “Networking and Advocating”* competence based on the ETS Competence model for youth workers to work internationally:
  • To gain knowledge about youth policy, youth work system and recognition practices in one’s own and international context
  • To increase readiness to represent young people’s and youth workers’ needs, interests and rights
  • To develop skills in identifying relevant advocacy partners and targets in local and international environments
  • To increase skills in producing and communicating advocacy content in-person and online.
Task no.1
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Training Course For Youth Workers on Networking and Advocating
Badgecraft käitab veebi taristut Õppimise linnade ja regioonide jaoks. Euroopa konsortsium arendab seda platvormi kaasrahastusega Euroopa Liidu programmist Erasmus+.
Vaheta keelt:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union