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Civic engagement
Plan a youth work advocacy campaign
#Willingness to collaborate with other actors and stakeholders, #Appreciation of the added value of new partnership and collaboration opportunities, #Knowledge of the needs of the community, #Knowledge of youth policy and youth work in one’s own context, #Being able to identify relevant partners in different environments (especially in an international setting), #Knowledge of advocacy approaches and methods in a youth work context, #Readiness to allow being confronted with other views and work approaches, #Knowledge of the socio-political and economic background of the young people, #Knowledge about media and promotion mechanisms with regard to youth work, as well as rules and regulations, including copyright, #Ability to create and disseminate digital contents as videos, podcasts, memes, digital presentation formats etc.
Being civically engaged
#Knowledge of the needs of the community, #Readiness to accept compromise while guaranteeing young people’s interests and rights, #Ability to research and access relevant information, #Knowledge of how structural and systemic obstacles can limit people’s possibility to act in solidarity, #Knowledge of the socio-political and economic background of the young people, #Readiness to embrace solidarity as a concept that treats people as equals
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union